The core objective of Surface Transport Master Plan (STMP) (PDF, 1 MB) is to deliver a world class, sustainable transport system that supports Abu Dhabi's economic, social and cultural, and environmental goals.
The environment goal of STMP is: Delivering world-leading performance in environmental sustainability by using resources responsibly, minimising pollution and preserving Abu Dhabi's unique environment.
STMP is designed to develop a world-leading transport system that meets the needs of residents, visitors, and businesses in the most efficient, safe, attractive, reliable, and environmentally sustainable way.
STMP incorporates a full spectrum of low carbon and sustainability measures, including:
- Extensive public transport infrastructure powered by world leading renewable energy technology and alternative fuels
- Innovative systems such as Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) that utilise the nation's abundant sunshine for solar power
- A commitment to lower CO2 emissions in all aspects of transport from design, to construction, to operation
- A commitment to encouraging walking, cycling, and respect for the natural environment.